5 Surprising Benefits of Online Music Lessons

With current circumstances circling around the COVID-19 pandemic, we know being "trapped" in your home can cause stress and be anxiety inducing. However it doesn't have to be that way. Online music lessons are one of the best ways to keep you or your child busy during the down time while keeping your mental health in check! Listed below are 5 surprising benefits of taking online music lessons.

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Gen Lobonc Billhartz
Tips for Practicing at Home

There can be several benefits to practicing as a musician (or any level) in the comfort of your own home. You’re truly able to take things at your own pace in an environment that is familiar and comfortable to you. There is a higher level of convenience and more availability to practice on your own terms. However, it can take a lot more motivation to keep up with your schedule, so here are some tips and tricks to keep you at your full potential:

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